Event Planning
I helped to coordinate events with various Senators and Representatives in Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota and South Dakota. My responsibilities have included writing press releases, photographing live events, filming live events, and coordinating events the day of including everything from coordinating set-up, catering, the agenda of event presenters, as well as the flow of the event. Photos of events are available on the following website.
I have planned many internal events for employees such as the end of the year holiday parties (as pictured), mid-year employee celebrations, lunch and learns, quarterly information exchanges, and various other employee gatherings.
As a member of the FHLB Des Moines Community and Employee Events Team, I was the team leader for the United Way Campaign in October 2012. Campaign Results: 94% of employees turned in their pledge card, 74% made contribution, 52% were first-time givers or increased their participation, 5% are leadership circle donors (pledge greater than $1,000), $209 raised on Activities (Games and Guessing Jar), $635 raised on Jeans week, and $58,840 raised on pledge sheets.
I have experience coordinating various business meetings for the FHLB Des Moines Advisory Council in different cities across the United States.


In February of 2012 I coordinated the FHLB Des Moines Advisory Council business meeting in St. Louis, Missouri. This meeting took place at the Chase Park Plaza.

In February of 2012 I coordinated the FHLB Des Moines Advisory Council business meeting in St. Louis, Missouri. This meeting took place at the Chase Park Plaza.

In June of 2012 I coordinated business meetings of the Advisory Council in St. Louis, Missouri at the Westin. This business meeting was held jointly with the Bipartisan Policy Center Housing Commission Forum.

In June of 2012 I coordinated business meetings of the Advisory Council in St. Louis, Missouri at the Westin. This business meeting was held jointly with the Bipartisan Policy Center Housing Commission Forum.

In July of 2012 I coordinated a business meeting for the Advisory Council to Washington D.C. Pictured is the Grand Hyatt who I worked with to coordinate the rooms. Meetings were held at the Capitol with various trades and non-profits.

Members of the Advisory Council in Washington D.C. in July, 2012 pictured with Senator Harkin.

Members of the Advisory Council in Washington D.C. in July, 2012 pictured with Senator Franken.

Helped plan an employee wellness campaign for the spring of 2012. This seven week campaign motivated employees to train to either run or walk a 5K. About 100 employees participated in the wellness campaign and about 75 employees were in attendance the day of the 5K walk/run.

Helped plan an employee wellness campaign for the spring of 2012. This seven week campaign motivated employees to train to either run or walk a 5K. About 100 employees participated in the wellness campaign and about 75 employees were in attendance the day of the 5K walk/run.

Helped plan an employee wellness campaign for the spring of 2012. This seven week campaign motivated employees to train to either run or walk a 5K. About 100 employees participated in the wellness campaign and about 75 employees were in attendance the day of the 5K walk/run.

Coordinated a wellness campaign that involved FHLB Des Moines and 11 other FHLBanks across the United States. Campaign is planned for Spring of 2013.

Coordinated wellness campaign for employees in spring of 2011. Teams of six employees worked their way across the globe making stops in various countries along the way. Each stop was in a country that represented different employees country of origin and was a joint diversity initiative by FHLB Des Moines.
I am experienced in planning many different types of events for internal and external audiences. Please scroll through the pictures in each gallery for more details on my experience.

Employees told their story about contributing to United Way of Central Iowa on our Storyville chalkboard.

The clock is ticking! Employees put their memory to the test by matching as many images from 16 of Dr. Seuss’ famous children’s books with the appropriate titles for a $1.00 donation.

Fishing gear was provided for employees to cast your rod into the Storyville Lake and see if you can claim the title of “expert fisherman.” Points are awarded based on skill level and the game was played for $1.00 donation to the campaign.

Test your aim with our take on the famous Dr. Seuss book, Green Eggs & Ham. Each participant was given four darts to score as many points as possible on our green eggs and ham dartboard for a $1.00 donation to the campaign.

Each day the tracker was updated with a the campaign totals for participation and money raised through the addition of each section of the Cat in the Hat's hat.

Signage was displayed throughout the Bank highlighting the week's worth of campaign activities.

The Storyville banner was hung during each event at the Bank including at a Volunteer Fair that hosted seven different nonprofit organizations. Each organization had a booth and were given the opportunity to share with employees different volunteer opportunities through their nonprofit.

A jar, filled with candy was displayed at the front desk. For one guess, participants donated $1.00 to the campaign. The participant that guessed the number closest to the actual amount of candy in the jar will won a prize.